Patients Rights & Responsibilities

Your Patient Rights


You have the right to confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), the Human Rights Act 1998 and the common law duty of confidence (the Disability Discrimination and the Race Relations Acts may also apply).


• You also have the right to ask for a copy of all records about you (you may have to pay a fee)

• Your request must be made in writing to the organisation holding your information

• There may be a charge to have a printed copy of the information held about you

• We are required to respond to you within 21 days

• You will need to give adequate information (for example full name, address, date of birth NHS number etc.,)

• You will be required to provide id before any information is released to you.


If you think anything within your medical record is inaccurate or incorrect, please inform the organisation holding your information.


Your rights and responsibilities to your GP Practice


• Every UK resident has the right to be registered with a GP Practice.

• Your GP Practice is your gateway to all other health services.

• You can see a GP within 48 hours if you want to be seen that quickly.

• You can book appointments in advance so that the appointment is as convenient as possible for you.

• Your GP Practice may offer a telephone discussion with a GP or Nurse if that is convenient to you.

• You can have at least 10 minutes with your GP / Practice Nurse to fully discuss any health issues.

• Your GP Practice can offer you general health advice or advice / treatment in relation to smoking, diet, exercise, alcohol consumption, drug usage, etc. They are not just there for when you are ill.

• Use your NHS services wisely, if you have an appointment booked but then don’t need it or can’t make it, then please remember to contact the surgery and cancel it.

• Everyone will be treated with dignity and respect – patients and staff alike.

• If you change your address or telephone number, please inform your GP Practice so that they have accurate information if they need to contact you.

• You are free to change your GP practice and choose another so if you wish to change your GP practice (for whatever reason) then you can –

• Just turn up at a practice and if you live within their geographical boundary you will be able to register and join the practice

• You will be offered an initial appointment with the Nurse or GP.

• The NHS Constitution brings together the principles, values, rights and responsibilities that underpin the NHS. For patients and the public this means clarity about:

• What they have a right to expect from the NHS

• What to do if they do not get what they expect

• The responsibilities they have for making the NHS work effectively


The NHS Constitution can be found at