Stoke on Trent Commissioning Group
NHS Stoke On Trent Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is the Organisation that purchases most of the healthcare you receive. As part of its commitment to putting patients at the centre of decision making, has a Patient Congress. The role of the Congress is to ensure the patient voice is at the centre of the CCGs Strategic decision- making by interacting at all levels within the Organisation through their regular bi-monthly meetings with CCG Staff and Clinicians – but also by sitting on many other committees within the CCG such as Planning and Prioritisation and Quality.
Members of the Congress need to show they can communicate effectively and have the necessary skills to represent the patient voice at a strategic level, and are therefore required to go through an interview process before being appointed.
The Congress Membership includes Locality members who represent the populations and practices in our three localities across Stoke. This Practice is in the South Locality and there is currently one vacancy for a South Locality representative – its open to any Patient registered with a Practice in the South Locality, who feels they have the skills above and would be able to give the time commitment necessary
You wouldn’t be working alone, there is already one South Locality Congress Member!
If you think you may fit the description above leave your details with the Practice and you will be sent more information.